Another great day was had by the members that was able to attend.
Although our arena was a little cramped for space, it was about the best display the members have had at the show,
Ray Harris : (2) International M. engines 3 H.P. – 1 1⁄2 H.P., Man killer chain saw.
Barry Rawson : stationery Motors, 6 various Lawn Mowers, 6 Chain Saws different models, 2 Ramp Pumps, Various pieces of memorabilia.
Scott Allslop: Lister 3 H.P. engine 1922. with pump.
Neil Broomhall : Villiers Mower 1944, Allen Oxford Scythe model T 2 stroke, Sandstone sharpening Wheel, Stewarts no.10 Horse clipping machine 1920.
Tom & Barb Moore : Ronaldson Tippett type N 1948 driving Ajax Pump A1-1 1⁄2 1950C, for David Foster to chop his wood, Villiers Mark engine 415 O.H. V-2 driving Moffatt-Virtue Roller Spray Plant to keep the ducks swimming happily.
Ian Clayton : Push Lawn Mower Qualt cat England,Hay Knife, Dawn 611 Post Drill, Globe hand opp. bench Drill, Ajax Milk Pump Simplex Model D, Skim milk Pump, Marsden Pistern Pump,Ajax Pistern Pump, Cooper Little Wonder 2 H.P. Memorabilia.
David & Judy Burk : Horse Clippers 90 yrs old, A.H. McDonald Diesel 4 H.P. Howard Bull Finch Rotary Hoe, Victa 125 (2) Lawn Mowers early type.
Loyd Tunbridge : International 1937 1 1⁄2-2 1⁄2 H.P., Rosebery engine 1918-20 H.P. 2, R.A.Lister engine 1940 H.P. 6.5.
We had a very enjoyable day, plenty of chatter with the public,
Missed the company of Viv & Elaine who sadly lost his brother, it would be the first show Viv has been absent for quite a few years.
Thank you one & all