The Sassafras Heritage Farming Weekend along with our club The Historical Machinery Club of Tasmania would like to thank those members who exhibited and helped over the weekend. It was good also to see some of our north east and southern members in attendance. Those who exhibited had a good time and the members who did not come, well all I can say is you missed out on a great weekend.
We would like to thank all our sponsors for this year’s event. They are listed below in no particular order of amounts and / or goods donated. Without you all our event would not be as much a success as it is.
Adrian & Pam Shadbolt, Anthony Tenace Entertainer, ANZ Bank, Atlantic Performance Oils, B & D Lamprey, Bakes Sawmill, Beaumont Timber Harvesting, Port Sorell Bendigo Community Bank, BOC Gas & Welding, Braddon Building, Brian & Greg Ling, Chas Kelly Transport, City Bike Centre, Devonport, D Signs & Promotional, Claas Harvest Centre, Coates Hire, Dannebrog, Dennis Dobson, Dept. Of Premier & Cabinet, Dulcie Steers, ELS Labour Hire, Gaffney Machinery, Graeme Bussey, Hazell Brothers, Incitec Pivot, Jayco, Sassafras Farms (Jeremy Rockliff), Justine Keay, Latrobe Council, Launceston Mazda, Mooroopna Sound and Lighting, Midland Tractors, Norco Batteries, NW Motorcycles, Paint & Parts, Precision Tools, Reuben Radford, Rino & Jade Morea, Roberts Limited, Rolling Bearing Co., Sassafras Fire Brigade, Seattle Services, Serve Ag, Sullivans Restaurant, T R Shipton, Talandra Trading (Perry Family), Tas Farm Equipment, Tas Petroleum, Tasmanian Alkaloids, Ulverstone.